Matti Ruippo
Senior Lecturer, Music Technology, Licentiate of Music
Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK)
F. E. Sillanpään katu 9
tel. +358 50 3028 561
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LOLA video conference IP
Skype name: maruippo

Papers in English

Invited presentations

Ruippo, M. 2019. The Teacher Teaches, the Student Learns… or. KTU EDU_Lab Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching: The changing role of university teachers: what challenges are we facing? Kaunas University of Technology, 6.12.2019

Harmer, M. & Ruippo, M. 2019. Digital Tools to Foster International Learning and Teaching. AEC Annual Meeting for International Relations Coordinators. 21.9.2019. Prague.

Ruippo, M. 2019. Развитие образовательных программ в новых областях знаний по музы􏰀 кальному искусству. Опыт Финляндии. NAMM Musikmesse Russia, Moscow. 14.9.2019. (Video, translator: Elena V. Orlova)

Ruippo, M. 2018. Õppimine on muutumine - ülevaade distantsõppe võimalustest. EML üldkogu ja koolituse programm 13.6.2018, Toila, Eesti.

Ruippo, M. 2018. Distance learning in Tampere (Finland) Music Academy. Digitisation in European Music Schools. European Music School Discussion Platform. Sneek, Netherlands. 9.5.2018.

Ruippo, M. 2018. Use of Technology in Music Schools. Digitisation in European Music Schools. European Music School Discussion Platform. Sneek, Netherlands. 9.5.2018.

Ruippo, M. 2017. An Overview of Distance Learning. New Time Conference. The Royal Academy of Music, Aarhus. 28.8.2017.

Ruippo, M. 2015. The Tool Collection in a Restricted Learning Environment. Collaborative e-Learning in Music and the Arts. Research and Innovation Week College of Human Sciences and the Department of Art History, Visual Arts and Musicology. University of South Africa. 6.3.2015. Video conference.

Ruippo, M. 2015. Tecnologias Inovativas em Educação Musical. Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte, Mossoró. 28.–30.1.2015. (Interpretes: Clerton Luiz Félix Barbosa ja Paulo Bellermann)

Ruippo, M. 2014. Music Education Technology. Brazil–Finland–USA Dialogues: Music and Education on the Agenda. Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte. 9.12.2014. (Video Conference)

Ruippo, M. & Rees, F. 2013. New Online Resources for Music Teaching and Learning in the Classroom. Hong Kong Institute of Education. 14.1.2013.

Ruippo, M. 2012. O papel das TIC’s na Educaçao Musical. Um panorama dos trabalhos. Seminário Internacional: Educação Musical mediada pelas Tecnologias Digitais. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil. 25.4.2012. (Interpreter: Allan Cesar)

Ruippo, M. 2007. Infotehnoloogia õpituba. Õppekirjanduse roll muusikaõpetuses. Rahvusvaheline konverents. Soome Instituut. Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia Riiklik Eksami- ja Kvalifikatsioonikeskus. 15.11.2007. (Translator: Anu Tamm)

Ruippo, M. 2007. Infotehnoloogia muusikaõpetuses. Vaba tarkvara kasutamisest. Õppekirjanduse roll muusikaõpetuses. Rahvusvaheline konverents. Soome Instituut. Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia Riiklik Eksami- ja Kvalifikatsioonikeskus. 15.11.2007. (Translator: Anu Tamm)

Ruippo, M. 2006. Net Pedagogy as a Tool - Network as a Tool for Pedagogy. 31st  Meeting of the EMU General Assembly and Conference "Music Education in Nordic Countries", Kuopio, 14.11.2006.

Ruippo, M. 2006. Music Education Technology. Research, Development and Practice. Sounding Bridge Seminar, Tallinn, 27.1.2006.

Ruippo, M. 2003. New Technologies and Music Education. European Music School Union. Seminar in Helsinki, 15.11.2003.

Ruippo, M. 2003. Experiences from Constructing Global Network of Music Pedagogy. Kuhmo Summer Academy. Kuhmo, 28.7.2003.

Donner, Ph & Ruippo, M. 2002. Music in a New Dimension – Sinfonietta Lentua. Online Educa Berlin Conference 2002, 28.11.2002.

Ruippo, M. 2002. Music Education Online. ELIA – eLearning and Distance Learning in arts pedagogy. ELIA conference Dublin, 25.10.2002.

Ruippo, M. 2002. Music Studies in Synchronous Learning Environment. Vision Week. Turku, 11.10.2002.

Ruippo, M. 2000. Music Distance Education Network in Finland: Pedagogical, Technical and Administrative Experiences. Distance Education in Indian Music Conference. Ustad Alauddin Khan Sangeet Academy, Bhopal, 28.11.2000.

Ruippo, M. 1999. Music Distance Learning, Chance It! SkanBeat - Nordic Music Teachers' Seminar '99 "Music Teaching after the Year 2000 – New Landscapes", Bergen, 18.8.1999.

Ruippo, M. 1999. Music Tools for the Web. ENABLE 99 (Enabling Network Based Learning) Espoo, 3.6.1999.

Ruippo, M. 1999. Technology Based Music Education. CDI in Violin seminar Helsinki

Ruippo, M. 1994. Datamaskinens använding i musikutbildingen på mellanstadiet. Dataprogramgruppens rapportserie. Rapport nr. 15, 1994: Lärarnas lärare i musik år 2000. Helsingborg, Sverige, ss. 69-70. 24.11.1994.

Papers in conferences (in English)

Ruippo, M. 2024. AI-Enhanced Art Education. Personalized Artificial Intelligence in Support of Multisensory lLarning – integrating Interfaces of Music, Sound, and Image in Art Education. The 2024 Network Performing Arts Production Workshop (NPAPW24), Vilnius 11.–13.9.2024.

Ruippo, M. 2024. Music Education in the World of Artificial Intelligence. The teacher teaches, the pupil learns… is it so? 31th EAS Conference. Dublin12–15-6-2024

Ruippo, M. 2023. Music Technology Online Tools for Future Teachers and Students​. Innovating and inventing music in the classroom. 30th EAS conference — 9th European ISME Regional Conference. Book of Abstracts p. 149. Lyon 24.–27.5.2023.

Becerra, R. & Ruippo, M. 2023. Pros and cons of joint electives across institutions. Dig.Mus Meeting 4.–5.5.2023, Vilnius

Ruippo, M. & Sirkesalo, S: 2023. Organizing an Online Course. How to make an online course attractive, interactive and engaging for both the teacher and student. Dig.Mus Meeting 4.–5.5.2023, Vilnius

Ruippo, M. 2022. One Hundred Successes in Education During the Pandemic. The 29th Annual Global, Cross-Sector Conference and Exhibition on Digital Learning and Training. Berlin 24.11.2022.

Ruippo, M. 2022. How Will Musicians Make a Living in the Future? Interview information from the Experienced. New Time Music 2.0 Future Is In our Roots -Conference. Turku 30.9.2022.

Vanoeveren, I. 2021. Bridging live & digital. Panelists: Skoruppa, T., Harmer, M. & Ruippo, M. AEC Annual Congress and General Assembly 2021, Antwerp. 5.11.2021

Ruippo, M.2021. Encouraging and Engaging Staff in Digitalization. Opening Brainstorming. AEC Annual Congress and General Assembly 2021, Antwerp. 4.11.2021

Nijs, L., Ruippo, M. & Stärk, A. The Digitisation Working Group of the Strengthening Music in Society (SMS) project. 45th General Assembly of the European Music School Union webinar 11th December 2020. 

Nijs, L., Desmurs, S., Gall, M., Guaus, E., Stärk, A. & Ruippo, M. 2020. Discussion on the meaningful integration of digital technology in music education with the SMS working group on Digitisation. Going On(line) – Connecting Communities in the Digital Age. AEC Annual Congress and General Assembly 2020 Nov 6–7, 2020. Webinar.

Ruippo, M. (moderator). 2020. Free online resources for music making. The Miracle of Sound – New Time Music 2.0 cherish art by using technology. 4.6.2020.

Bach, D., O'Shaughnessy, L., Righini, E. & Ruippo, M. (moderator) 2019. Digital Tools to Enhance HMEI's collaborations and offer: examples from Amsterdam Conservatoire, Opera Vision and the University in Bergen. 46th AEC Annual Congress and General Assembly 7–9 November 2019, Turin.

Ruippo, M. 2019. Stay up to Date… in Music Education, too. ELIA Academy 2019: What’s going on Here? Decoding Digitality in Higher Arts Education. 26.9.2019, Stuttgart.

Ruippo, M. & Perttunen, J. 2019. The Well-Being of the Musician. Nordic Arts and Health Conference, Malmö. 21.5.2019

Ruippo, M. 2019. Free Online Resources for Music. Network Performing Arts Production Workshop 2019, Prague 2.4.2019

Ruippo, M. 2018. Making Music without Threshold. Free Online Music Applications in Music Education. 33rd World Conference International Society for Music Education, Baku. 18.7.2018

Ruippo, M. 2018. DigiArts – eLearning in Higher Education Music, Dance and Performing Arts. Co-operation between Higher Music Education in Finland. Intermusic Project: International Conference on Distance Learning in Music HEIS. Distance Learning in Higher Music Education: teaching technologies and methodologies. Milan 2.2.2018

Ruippo, M. 2017. Free Online Resources for Music Classrooms (workshop). Digital Technology in Arts Education conference, Bergen. 31.5.2017.

Ruippo, M. & Davies, G. 2016. Chamber Music over the Mountains. Abstracts. 32nd World Conference International Society for Music Education, p. 139. Glasgow, UK 24–29 July

Ruippo, M. & Virtanen, K. 2016. Combining Cooperative Learning and Mobile Music Technology. Abstracts. 32nd World Conference International Society for Music Education, p. 140. Glasgow, UK 24–29 July

Ruippo, M.2015. Learning Is Changing. Access to Music Is Digital? The 5th European Forum on Music. Riga, 12.6.2015.

Ruippo, M. 2015. Maestro's Global Accessibility. Methods for Music Distance Learning. TAMK Art, Music and Media 8th International Week 5th–8th May 2015 Mediapolis, Tampere. 7.5.2015.

Ruippo, M. 2015. Combined Methods for Music Master Classes. UFRN 13.2.2015

Ruippo, M. 2015. LoLa in Want. Fast Bandwidth Video Conferencing. UFRN 3.2.2015

Ruippo, M. 2014. Combined Methods for Music Distance Education. University of South Africa. 7.4.2014.

Ruippo, M. 2014. Music Technology Workshop. Leeuwhof Akademie, Johannesburg. 5.4.2014

Ruippo, M. 2013. An Overview of Music Education System in Finland. Degree Programme in Music, Music Technology. 22.4.2013. Southampton Solent University.

Ruippo, M. 2012. The Tampere Piano Pedagogical Laboratory. In keynote address by Rees, F. Distance Education and Production in Music: Past, Presence and Future. Pre-Conference Workshop: Teaching Music with Distance Learning Resources. University of San Diego. 14.11.2012. (Video conference)

Ruippo, M. 2012. Music Technology as a Part of a Nationwide Music Curriculum and Teaching Material Resource. Abstracts of 30th ISME World Conference on Music Education, p. 233. Thessaloniki, Greece 19.7.2012.

Ruippo, M. The Role of Music Technology in Schools and Teacher Education. Abstracts of 30th ISME World Conference on Music Education, p. 232–233. Thessaloniki, Greece. 18.7.2012, poster session.

Rees, F. (chair), Leong, S. & Ruippo, M. 2012. Establishing a Working Agenda for the Music Technology. Abstracts of 30th ISME World Conference on Music Education, p. 314. Thessaloniki, Greece 16.7.2012.

Ruippo, M. 2012. Building a Piano Lab. 20.2.2012. Department of Music and Arts Technology, Purdue School of Engineering and Technology, Indianapolis.

Ruippo, M. 2012. Comparative Aspects of Finnish and US Music Education and Contemporary Developments in Finnish Piano Pedagogical Research. 20.2.2012. Department of Music and Arts Technology, Purdue School of Engineering and Technology, Indianapolis.

Ruippo, M. 2012. An Overview of Music Education System in Finland and an Example of the Collaboration with the University of Ottawa. 16.2.2012. University of Ottawa.

Ruippo, M. (chair), Orto, C., Rees, F., Romanowski, O. & Xie, J. Ever Evolving Music Education, Information and Communication Technologies Engaging Music Educators. 4th IMC World Forum on Music, 29.10.2011. Tallinn.

Dillon, S. & Ruippo, M. 2011. Jam2Jam Connecting Musicians. Bändisoiton erityispedagogiikan seminaari. Lahti. 28.3.2011.

Ruippo, M. 2010. Studying Music with the Support of Video Technologies. Basic Course of Educational Technology in Music 2010. Vi r Music, 10.9.2010. (Video conference)

Rees, F. & Ruippo, M. 2010. Distance Learning and Online Performance Opportunities for Music Educators: Post-ISME Bologna. Abstracts of 29th ISME World Conference Beijing, p 65. 5.8.2010.

Rees, F. 2010. Technology: Electronic Technology and Its Transformative Role in Music Teaching and Learning. (In Symposium with Brimmer, T., Brooks, M., Cameron, A., Hedden, D., Parkes, E., Ruippo, M., Schlosser, M., Spence, J. & Yip, R.) 2010 International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research in Music Pedagogy. University of Ottawa (via video conference). 28.5.2010.

Ruippo, M. 2009. Confirming Research Projects (discussion leader). Applying Movement Principles to Piano Playing: Bridging the Gap between Research and Practice. Piano Pedagogy Research Laboratory, University of Ottawa. 7.3.2009.

Ruippo, M. 2008. Welcome to METNet: Initiating a New Era of International Collaboration and cooperation for Music Educators. (In Colloquium with Bolton, J., Leong, S., Rees, F., Romanowski, O., Salavuo, M. & Takala, T.) Abstracts of 28th ISME World Conference 2008 Bologna, pp. 161-162.

Ruippo, M. 2007. Audio Quality in Videoconference; Codecs and Setups. Reflections on a Development Work. 1st VideoFunet Conference, "Utilizing Video Technology in Teaching and Research". Tampere, 10.5.2007.

Ruippo, M. 2007. Musik på nettet. NUMU kongres og festival 2007, "Musik for livet". Vejen, Danmark. 2.4.2007.

Ruippo, M. 2006. Music Education Technology in Want of an ISME Commission. (In Symposium: Rees, F., Donner, Ph., Ferreira, G., Leong, S. & Ruippo, M. 2006. Building an International Community of Teachers, Researchers, Performers, and Learners through Music Technology.) ISME Conference, Kuala Lumpur, 18.7.2006.

Donner, Ph., Clark, F. & Ruippo, M. 2003. Acting Locally and Thinking Globally: Towards a Trans-Atlantic R&D Environment for Music Net Education. Megaconference V. 10.12.2003.

Ruippo, M. 2003. Teaching Music Using Web Based Resources. Music Technology Education Conference. Leeds, 31.10.2003.

Ruippo, M. 2003. Creating new combinations of teaching methods and technologies in music studies and training. ATMI conference. Miami, 4.10.2003.

Donner, Ph. & Ruippo, M. 2003. Product Development for Music Net Education. Syllabus Conference, San José (videoneuvottelun välityksellä), 29.7.2003.

Ruippo, M. 2003.  ICT Supported Music Studies in a High School (Kuopion musiikkilukio). Music Education Online – Learning Environments MOVE-symposium. Kuopio, 4.4.2003.

Ruippo, M. 2000. Music Distance Learning: Experiences from Three Network Settings. ISME Conference, Edmonton, 18.7.2000.

Donner, Ph & Ruippo, M. 1999. Methods of Analyzing Networked Music Collaboration: Tools of Observation for a Distance Learning Research Project. 3rd Symposium on Music Education Research in Finland. Sibelius Academy. Helsinki, 7.10.1999.

Donner, Ph & Ruippo, M. 1999. Net Conferencing in Music Distance Education: Observations on a Pilot Project. Collaboration and Learning in Virtual Learning Environment Conference. Jyväskylä, 26.5.1999.

Ruippo, M. 1998. The First Few Bars of Music Distance Teaching. A Good Solo or a Fine Working Combo? Online Educa Berlin. 4th International Conference on Technology Supported Learning. Book of Abstracts, p. 175–177. 3.12.1998.

Ruippo, M. 1998 Use of Open Distance Learning in Music Studies. Projects and Technical Innovations to Break the Barrier. 1998 EDEN Conference. Universities in a Digital Era. Transformation, Innovation and Tradition Roles and Perspectives of Open and Distance Learning. Proceedings of the 7th European Distance Education Network (EDEN) Conference, held at the University of Bologna, Italy 24–26 June 1998, p. 505–507. 25.6.1998.

Articles in English

Ruippo, M. & Sallinen, S. 2020. Building a nation system for online education in music, dance, and performing arts in Finland. (Full paper) Proceedings of the International Society for Music Education 34th World Conference on Music Education. Pages 466–475

Ruippo, M. 2016. Ever Evolving Music Education, Information and Communication Technologies Engaging Music Educators. Music and Social Change Impressions from the 4th IMC World Forum on Music. Pages 15–16.

Ruippo, M. 2013. Music Education Online. Chaurasia, O. P. (ed.) in Distance Education in Music. New Delhi: Kanishka Publishers, Distributors. Pages 49–59.

Ruippo, M. 2006. Music Education Technology in Finland. Finnish Music Quarterly 3/2006. Pages 34–35. (Translation: Jaakko Mäntyjärvi.)

Ruippo, M. 2003. Music Education Online. MOVE-artikkeli 3/2003.

Ruippo, M. 1999. Music Education Steps Out of the Classroom. Musiikkikasvatus – FJME 4 (1).